The Indoor Soccer Academy will be run as two seasons:
The programs will run on Sunday mornings in 3 time slots / age groups:
For 2024-2025 we have revised the Indoor Soccer Academy curriculum to be more aligned with our Evolve philosophy used at our summer camps.
These instructor-led programs will be run once-a-week at Sir Oliver Mowat CI gyms (5400 Lawrence Avenue East). The gym entrance is around the back of the school, accessible from Charlottetown Blvd (Door #7). Program fees are $225/season for U4-U6 programs, and $250/season for U7 and older programs.
Winter season (Jan-March 2025) registration is now closed.
Only participants that have successfully registered and paid can attend sessions at Mowat. You cannot register at the gym.
Note 1: You cannot register at the gym. Only children who were successfully registered and fully paid are allowed to participate in Sundays.
Note 2: Some ages/times slots are full. There are no wait lists for Indoor so please select an available program time slot.
The instructor-led programs will run once-a-week in the gymnasiums at Sir Oliver Mowat CI, 5400 Lawrence Avenue East. The gym entrance is around the back of the school, door #7, near the parking lot that is accessible from Charlottetown Blvd.
For 2024-2025 we have revised the Indoor Soccer Academy curriculum to be more aligned with our Evolve philosophy used at our summer camps.
Each soccer session will be 1-hour in length and consist of soccer skills and games. Staff will be at gym for check-in up to 15 minutes before program start. Parents are required to check in their children for each session with the staff member designated as the Field Marshal.
Each session has soccer activities organized around a common theme. There are usually 4 to 6 activities each session, with game-based activities towards the end of the session.
The following action items apply to all programs:
1.Please review the health questions below BEFORE you bring your child to soccer. Anyone (parent or player) who answers YES to any of the questions below should NOT attend the session:
2. After ensuring that your child is in the appropriate gymnasium and under the supervision of their coach for the session, no parents should be on the gym’s playing surface (the “field”).
If your child needs any assistance on the field, we have staff to help in these situations. If for any other reason you need to enter the field to assist your child, please ask the coach and/or wait for the coaches’ signal to enter the field. We are required to limit the contact between players, coaches and those outside of their soccer groups (including parents/guardians outside of their household).
Please contact the Club Office during weekday (Monday through Thursday) business hours 10am-3pm with any questions.